An Album of Vintage, Live Concert Tracks in Shreeguruji’s Golden Voice – Vitality

Shreeguru Dr. Balaji Tambe performed hundreds of healing music concerts all over the world. As regular audiences always noted, his ability to transport the entire group of listeners to another state of mind was extraordinary. This album, Vitality, is a collection of choice healing music tracks recorded at these live…

Promoting Hormonal Balance is as Simple as Listening to Music

A healthy individual is only possible when society is healthy too. Our environment impacts our health immensely. When Shreeguru Dr. Balaji Tambe decided to revive the ancient art and science of pregnancy care in Ayurveda, called Ayurvediya Garbhasanskar, he realized that for a healthy baby, the health of the parents…

Aumkar in Shreeguruji’s Voice Along with a Classical Alaap by Pt. Sanjeev Abhyankar

 The great work in healing music done by Shreeguru Dr. Balaji Tambe is a treasure for the ages. Simply by listening to his exquisitely composed mantras and storeys one can find relief and solutions to many of life’s problems, as well as experience cleansing at a psychological and psychic…

A Meditative Journey Awaits You on Yoga Nidra -1 by Shreeguruji

Yoga Nidra is an age-old practice that brings a deeply restful state for the practitioner and is undoubtedly extremely good for health. This album on Yoga Nidra goes several steps further to enable the practitioner to achieve a meditative journey. Yoga Nidra1 is designed to offer an inward journey to…

The Best of Shreeguruji’s European Live Performances in One CD – Vitality!

For more than 30 years Shreeguru Dr. Balaji Tambe offered a unique and healing meditative experience across several countries in Europe. Without fail, in the late European summer, he would plan a long tour along with his entire music group and mesmerise meditators and audiences with his Healing Music Concerts. …

This Festival Season, Experience Aratis in Shreeguru Dr. Balaji Tambe’s Divine Voice, With This Album

One of the most popular forms of music in devotion all over India is the ‘arati’. Shreeguru Dr. Balaji Tambe explains the purpose of arati in a very simple way. An arati is sung and performed after any meditative activity or puja to assimilate the energy that has been invoked…

Raise Your Morning Energy With This Devotional Song

( In this new section on Shreeguru Dr. Balaji Tambe’s Healing Music, we will share meanings of songs sung by Shreeguruji, lyrics of important stotras or introduce entire music albums designed for various healing purposes) SONG – “Uthi Uthi Shri Dattatreya” ALBUM – Shri Dattatreya Shreeguruji says, “Shri Dattatreya is…