Begin Your Day with a Dose of Cosmic Energy with this Simple Kriya – Shaktikarshan

Energy is the key to all life activities and this kriya helps the performer to acquire exactly this. In today’s times of high performance stress in every facet of life, this kriya is your to-go daily yoga ritual. Though one may perform this kriya at any time of the day,…

Dr. Malvika Tambe Wins Multiple Awards, German Students Visit Atmasantulana and Other Celebrations

Dr. Malvika Tambe receives Kartavyabhushan Award Dr. Malvika Tambe, Managing Director of Santulan Ayurveda receives the Kartavyabhshan Award for her exceptional contributions in the field of Ayurveda. The award was presented by noted author Madhav Bhandari who noted and appreciated the work Dr. Malvika Tambe has done to continue and…

2023 Santulan Veda Utsav Gurupurnima Seminar Announced

We are very happy to release the dates and programme of the SANTULAN VEDA UTSAV. This festival has been disseminating the knowledge of Shreeguru Dr. Balaji Tambe’s unique philosophy and principle to live life in balance. A holistic celebration with lectures, interactions, food, meditation, Yoga, mantra and stotra learning and…

Aumkar in Shreeguruji’s Voice Along with a Classical Alaap by Pt. Sanjeev Abhyankar

 The great work in healing music done by Shreeguru Dr. Balaji Tambe is a treasure for the ages. Simply by listening to his exquisitely composed mantras and storeys one can find relief and solutions to many of life’s problems, as well as experience cleansing at a psychological and psychic…