All the Important Principles of Ayurveda in One Book for All!

Shreeguru Dr. Balaji Tambe has strived to simplify lifestyle knowledge from the Vedas and offer true perception for one’s life, through many solutions. He explained tirelessly for decades how the best principles of Ayurveda were applied to daily life through cooking and home remedies. His exhaustive writings include a gem…

The Ayurvediya Garbhasanskar – A Book that can Benefit Your Baby for Life!

The Ayurvediya Garbhasanskar as a health program revived by Shreeguru Dr. Balaji Tambe, and as a book that has sold hundreds of thousands of copies, is nothing short of a revolution in family health. The book has become part of people’s lives like an experienced family member offering guidance in…

Decode the meaning of each character and the nature of evolution in the Ramayana

The spiritual literature of the ancient civilization in India is far more than an engaging work of entertainment. Perhaps among the highest works of Sanskrit literature is the Ramayana of Rishi Valmiki. On the surface thas looks like the story of an Avatar of Vishnu of Earth, in the form…

See What Shri Krishna has to Say About Obstacles to Taking Decisions in this Book by Shreeguruji!

Shreeguru Dr. Balaji Tambe has worked extensively on the Shreemad Bhagawad Geeta, producing an exhaustive commentary on Lord Shri Krishna’s message for mankind. Peacock Feathers is an ongoing series of 18 books on the Shrimad Bhagawad Geeta, one book for each chapter. In this issue of the Echo we highlight…

Unlock the Secret Understandings of the Universal Being in This Book by Shreeguruji

The Purusha Suktam is one of the most important hymns of the Vedas. It talks of the Supreme Consciousness manifested as a Purusha, as our universe and its evolutionary functions. The concept of Yadnya, described in the hymn, applies to all creative phenomena, from the formation of galaxies to the…

A Simple But Profound Collection of Ayurveda Home Remedies in English and Marathi

A cornerstone philosophy of Shreeguru Dr. Balaji Tambe’s has been to seek development in all ways possible – in a balanced manner. As part of this philosophy, physical health is a key necessity even for spiritual growth. It leads to a stress free mind, a stable outlook, and the mind…