Balancing – A Kriya to Balance the Spine as Well as One’s Personality

This kriya straightens and laterally realigns the spine. It stimulates the body’s magnetic field and activates the right side of the body. The beating of the heart affects the left side of the body more than the right. To compensate for this activity, the Balancing kriya is done only on…

Begin Your Day with a Dose of Cosmic Energy with this Simple Kriya – Shaktikarshan

Energy is the key to all life activities and this kriya helps the performer to acquire exactly this. In today’s times of high performance stress in every facet of life, this kriya is your to-go daily yoga ritual. Though one may perform this kriya at any time of the day,…

Strengthen the Bridge Between Mind and Soul with Anulom Vilom

This fundamental pranayam is also known as Nadi Shodhan or Nadi Shuddhi Pranayam. Its main characteristic features are the alternating use of the right and left nostrils and the retention of the breath in between. It cleans the respiratory passage, regulates natural alteration of the activities of the nostrils for…

One Kriya That Does it All! Cosmic Prayer – Vishva Prarthana

This kriya brings all levels of body, mind and soul into equilibrium and is very beneficial for the entire nervous system. It improves the body’s flexibility, muscle tone and digestion, and promotes creativity. It also increases lung capacity, strengthens the heart and boosts the immune system. If practiced regularly, it…

Purify Your Respiratory Tract and Ventilate your Lungs with This Easy SKY Kriya!

SKY Bhastrika is a cleansing exhalation technique. SKY Bhastrika refreshes the mind, increases stamina, boosts immunity and rejuvenates both body and mind. It provides the benefits of Pranayam (disciplined breathing) combined with the cleansing of the respiratory tract and Nadi Shodhan (purification of the energy channels in the body). Unless…

Appreciate yourself and relieve shoulder stress too, with SKY Well Done!

This kriya is called Well Done or Shabas. It promotes opening up the body’s magnetism and deepens breathing. It relieves muscular energy blocks and satisfies the longing for appreciation, providing confidence. It should be practised a maximum of 7 times on each side.   Stand erect with the feet together and…

Managing Tension in the Shoulder and Neck with this Kriya – Skandha Chakra (Shoulder Rotation)

This asana frees the shoulder joints and reduces tension in the shoulder-neck area. People with a strong kyphosis (rounded shoulders) in the back should practice only the backwards rotation.  STEPS  Sit in a comfortable position.  Place the fingertips on the shoulder joints.  Make big circular movements with the elbows such…

For a supple and strong spine and developing an ‘All-is-well’ nature, learn this simple Yoga pose!

  This is a special Yoga pose that helps to keep both our spines and our nature flexible, elastic and supple. Performing this kriya with awareness brings about positive changes in our attitude. The challenging things in life become a little more easy and acceptable, with trust and an ‘all-is-well’…

A Basic Kriya for the Foundation of a Good Day and a Good Life – Grounding

Santulan Kriya Yoga is one of the simplest yoga practices ever designed. Shreeguru Dr Balaji Tambe incorporated some of the most effective practices of the Yogis and simplified them for common people while keeping their benefits intact. Sthairya or Grounding is a kriya that should be done every day by…