Atmasantulana Village Event Calendar for 2022! Download Now!

The Atmasantulana Village celebrates spiritual festivals all-year-round with meditation sessions, yadnyas and music concerts. We’ve created a simple one-page calendar for the year. Keep these important dates at hand and join our online and offline events. Event announcements will reach you via the ECHO and our WhatsApp and Email lists.…

Sukhasana – A simple sitting posture for comfort and stability!

Even though Yoga has now become popular all over the world, it has largely found appreciation as an exercise regime rather than a practice that offers hormonal balance and praanic energy. Many people who want to practice it for its original purpose find it difficult. The common excuses are lack…

Watch Now! Shri Datta Jayanti YouTube Live Music Concert

 Shri Dattatreya is the Universal Spiritual Master to all seekers. Shreeguru Dr. Balaji Tambe is his representative to us. He has composed both devotional bhajans and stotras to invoke Shri Dattatreya. Compositions like the Datta Bavani, Tapatrayane and Uddhari Guru Raya are mantras i.e. designed to protect and enhance…