A Simple Spine, Nervous System and Upper Body Workout – Parivartita Chakrasana

Published Categorized as Santulan Kriya Yoga

The Parivartita Chakrasana or Adapted Wheel Pose increases the flexibility of the spine and invigorates the nervous system. It strengthens the muscles of the abdomen and chest and tones the waist. It helps to increase the lung capacity and is beneficial in respiratory disorders. Throughout the asana one should breathe regularly. It is recommended to perform 2-4 repetitions on each side.


  1. Stand in a comfortable position with the legs slightly apart.
  2. Align the toes, heels, ankles and knees. Keep your arms by the sides of the body with the fingers together. Look straight ahead.
  3. Slowly raise the arms sideways until they are level with the shoulders. Keep the arms straight and parallel to the ground.
  4. Gradually, bend from the waist towards the right side. Take care not to lean forwards or backwards. Lower the right arm along the right leg. Raise the left arm over the head with the palm facing towards the ground. Relax the body completely and bend sideways to the right side until the body is bent as far as possible. The upper part of the left arm should now touch the left ear but without bending the elbow or wrist.
  5. Maintain this position for some time while maintaining smooth and regular breathing. Then, gradually return to the starting position 1 by reversing each of these steps.
  6. Repeat the exercise to the left side to complete one round. It is recommended to perform between 2-4 rounds.

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