A Basic Kriya for the Foundation of a Good Day and a Good Life – Grounding

Published Categorized as Santulan Kriya Yoga

Santulan Kriya Yoga is one of the simplest yoga practices ever designed. Shreeguru Dr Balaji Tambe incorporated some of the most effective practices of the Yogis and simplified them for common people while keeping their benefits intact. Sthairya or Grounding is a kriya that should be done every day by everyone. This kriya straightens the spine and improves posture. It supports digestion, deepens the breathing and lifts Praan (life force) upwards. This increases awareness and improves the function of the pituitary gland.

  • Stand erect with the heels about 15-20 cm apart and the toes pointing slightly outwards.
  • The arms should be kept straight, touching the sides, and the hands are closed in fists with the thumbs pointing downwards. 
  • Press the heels and toes into the floor with the idea of ‘rooting’ them into the floor. 
  • Start inhaling and at the same time rise up on the balls of the feet (imagine that you are being pulled upwards by a thread from the top of the head). 
  • Draw the abdomen in and up and hold the breath (without pulling the shoulders upwards). 
  • Bring your awareness to the crown centre at the top of the head.
  • Exhale slowly, come down again and release the abdominal tension. Bring the awareness again to the ‘rooting’ of the soles of the feet in the ground. 
  • Repeat approx 7 times.

Sthairya or Grounding provides a firm grounding, which is a basic requirement for successful life management. 

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