A Disciple Who Lived with Inspiring Courage and Universal Compassion – Gabi Hirschhäuser, We Will Miss You!

Published Categorized as Events to Note

Each life has something extraordinary, something special that helps those it touches to grow. Gabriele Hirschhäuser, our long-standing member from Frankfurt, had many positive qualities, which made her very much loved in the group. It is perhaps in her ability at communication, her reliability and willingness to help that her true character shone. It is in her ability to remain positive in the face of adversity and to constantly seek solutions while facing life’s challenges that she was a lesson to us all.

Gabi’s life was one dedicated to learning and teaching. She was a teacher of German and art, who was much loved by her students. Outside of her duties as a schoolteacher she became a Yoga instructor at Aum Hari Yoga school and learned Ayurvedic massage at Atmasantulana Village in 1992, where she became a disciple of Shreeguru Dr. Balaji Tambe. She practised and taught for many years in Gleichen at Aum Kurzentrum, and in Frankfurt.

Gabi threw herself into all of Shreeguruji’s work in Germany. While working full-time she became a vital figure in the Frankfurt group and was always ready to help organise and run dozens of events such as concerts, exhibitions and seminars. She used her talent for communication to find the right tone, the perfect words and the text that informed and brought people together. For many years she was the communications hub of the group: the person to ask. Her regular communications on special meditation were part of the glue that kept people in touch and together.

We remember Gabi as someone with wide interests in art, music, dance, and theatre. She was a lover of nature and she and her husband created beautiful gardens where everyone was always welcome. Many times, we celebrated Holi there around the bonfire together. It was definitely no coincidence that Holi was the day she left us.

Gabi’s last few years were marked by her battle with cancer. It was a battle where she astounded the medical profession by her positive attitude and her strong response to treatment. She ran a constant search for answers and her deep understanding of the disease on many levels impressed many inside and outside the medical community. Those who had the fortune to speak with her in her last years found a woman of true wisdom, gentle acceptance, and clarity of thought. We will all greatly miss Gabi, her humour and her joy of life.

Gabi is survived by her loving husband Heinz Werner Hirschhäuser.

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