One Kriya That Does it All! Cosmic Prayer – Vishva Prarthana

Published Categorized as Santulan Kriya Yoga

This kriya brings all levels of body, mind and soul into equilibrium and is very beneficial for the entire nervous system. It improves the body’s flexibility, muscle tone and digestion, and promotes creativity. It also increases lung capacity, strengthens the heart and boosts the immune system. If practiced regularly, it is said to extend the practitioner’s life span.

Vishva Prarthana is such a powerful and effective sequence of postures that it can be performed by itself to get a full work out, without the need for other exercises, if time is short. However, it is imperative that Shavasan (the Corpse Pose) be performed after this Kriya, if nothing else is being done. Initially, this Kriya should be practiced 3 to 4 times in sequence, concentrating on the completeness of each movement and position. To obtain maximum benefit, the number of cycles can gradually be increased to 12 (or even 24 if you can manage that much stamina). With practice, the flow of breath and movement will become harmonious and coordinated. Place a clean white cloth, measuring about 60 cm by 25 cm (24” by 10”), on the ground touching the toes. This provides a reference line for the positioning of the hands and feet and prevents dust particles from being inhaled during the kriya.

(Please see the accompanying images carefully for guidance)

  1. Stand erect with the feet almost touching each other and look straight ahead.
  2. Join the hands in Namaskar position in front of the chest and press the palms together until the hands vibrate against the chest.
  3. Stiffen the body, starting with the feet. Press the toes and the heels into the ground. Stiffen the calf muscles, thighs, buttocks, and stomach. Draw the abdomen in and up, and stiffen the chest and neck.
  4. Inhale slowly and visualize the rising sun or another symbol of energy. Feel gratitude towards this energy source and smile.
  5. While inhaling reach upwards with the arms, bend backwards slightly and look up.
  6. Bend forwards while exhaling slowly, keeping the arms and spine straight, and place the palms on the edge of the white cloth on the ground, just in front of the toes on either side of the feet.
  7. Keep the legs as straight as possible and bring the forehead to the knees.

    1. Take a large step with the right leg backwards and bend the left leg. The left hip has to come towards the left heel. The right knee should not touch the ground. Lift the chest and head to create a slight backward bend in the spine.
    2. Look straight ahead and inhale, taking your body weight onto the left leg.
    3. Stretch the left leg backwards to join the right leg and, keeping the spine and legs straight, raise the hips towards the sky to make an inverted ‘V’. The heels should come as close to the ground as possible. 
    4. Tuck the head in through the arms and hold the breath.

  1. Exhaling slowly, lower the body towards the ground, supporting the weight on the hands and toes. This should be like the movement of a wave or a dive. During this movement lightly touch the ground, first with the forehead, then the nose, the chin, the chest and the navel.
  2. Straighten the arms at the end of the dive, curve the spine backwards and look up to the sky. Slowly inhale. Only the hands and toes should be in contact with the floor.

  1. Raise the hips and once again make the inverted ‘V’. Hold the breath. 
  2. Bring the right foot forward to the edge of the white cloth and exhale. Keep the spine straight and look straight ahead.
  3. Bring the left foot forward, straighten both knees as much as possible, without straining, while the forehead touches the knees.
  4. Straighten up while inhaling and return to the original position, with the hands placed in front of the chest in Namaskar position. You can repeat from the top of the cycle.

Important Notes

* Once the hands are placed on the ground, they should remain in place throughout the exercise.

* The big backward step determines the distance between hands and feet for the wave or dive. This distance, once taken, should not be changed.

* If, in the dive, it is not possible for your arms to support your weight, you can bring the knees to the floor and then perform the dive. When you come to step 13, you should straighten the knees again.


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    1. Dear Ms Fatima Pethani,

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      Wishing you health and happiness
      Team Echo

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