Get Gold in Your Body with Homemade Gold Cultured Water!

Published Categorized as Heal Yourself

Gold is a noble metal and a symbol of prosperity in all ancient cultures. The actual prosperity in our lives is our health. Gold, the symbol of wealth, can actually be a fantastic way to give us glowing health, protection and immunity in an easy and time tested way.

Ayurveda is full of praise for this royal metal, known in Sanskrit as Suvarna i.e. one with a radiant and beautiful colour. Gold is counted among the best Rasayans or tonics for vitality and rejuvenation.

The qualities of Suvarna are highlighted in these words:
Suvarnam svadu hrudyam cha bruhaniyam rasayanam |
Doshatrayapaham sheetam chakshushyam vishasudanam ||

-Sushrut Samhita Sutrasthan

Meaning: Gold has a sweet taste, is beneficial for the heart and brain, nourishes all the seven dhatus (levels of tissue) and is a Rasayan. It balances all the three doshas, nourishes the eyes and removes toxins from the body. 

Ayurveda also says that Suvarna promotes Buddhi (Intellect), Smruti (Memory), Medha (Grasping power) and improves complexion. Regular consumption of properly formulated Suvarna can protect us from all types of aging problems and keep away untimely life threatening sickness. Gold can help a person to enjoy a healthy and long life, full of creativity and good digestive fire.

While reading about these immense benefits, it is natural to be curious about how to ingest gold. We are generally we are aware of gold in the form of ornaments or as an investment. Ayurveda uses Suvarna in the forms of Bhasma (ash, prepared after purifying and culturing gold as per Ayurvedic texts), Varkha (a very thin paper of gold, regularly seen on expensive kinds of festive sweets in India) or in gold cultured water.

Out of these, the last method i.e. gold cultured drinking water, is one of the easiest, but still very effective ways, to consume Suvarna in our daily lives. Here’s the method to prepare Suvarna Siddha jala or Gold Cultured Water.

  • A family of 4-5 people may need 10 litres of drinking water for the entire day.
  • Take 0.5 litres of water in a heavy bottomed pot.
  • If you use a water filter, then take 10.5 litres of filtered water
  • Place a 24 carat, pure gold, coin or piece, anything from 2 grams to 10 grams, in the form of a ring, coin or biscuit (the ring should not one that you use for wearing, nor should it have any other materials or gems besides pure gold).
  • Keep the pot on the gas stove. Once the water starts boiling, let it boil for 20 minutes on slow to medium heat. Make sure not to cover the water during this process.
  • Turn off the gas, filter the water after cooling for 5-10 minutes, with a through a thick cotton cloth and store for drinking.
  • One may store it in a thermos and drink it as a hot water or store in a normal water jug or container and drink at room temperature. 
  • In Atmasantulana Village we have made a special gold coin in the shape AUM in 24 carats gold and is available at the boutique here. This is even more effective to attract positive and healing energy, making the water more potent. Adding a pinch of Jala Santulan provides a beautiful colour and taste which makes simple water into a special drink by itself!

Gold Cultured Water can be consumed by every member of the family irrespective of their age, gender or health condition, but is especially recommended for children, and for women during pregnancy and after delivery. Everyone who wishes to have good immunity, strength and vitality can start following this simple Ayurvedic remedy and enjoy the life to its fullest. 

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