How the Shrimad Bhagawad Geeta Guides Us Towards Holistic Health – Part 2

Published Categorized as Shreeguruji's Diaries

(A version of this article first appeared in DNA Aug 23, 2019)

The Shrimad Bhagawad Geeta asks us to become One with Nature’s Law, or the principles of Shri Krishna or Supreme Consciousness. Ayurveda asks us to be in complete alignment with our Inner Fire and the Fire of the Universe. In various approaches, these are all one and the same. We now continue to see the connection between the Shrimad Bhagawad Geeta and Ayurveda’s fundamental principles.

Light is the subtle energy of the Supreme Consciousness. Further, every living being needs food, air and water. These necessities help to keep the praanic life force and the body ‘together’ as one entity, so that consciousness can manifest through the being. The individual program needs to work in harmony with the cosmic program. Through the cycle of fire there is a constant interaction and exchange of energy between these two entities – individual and cosmos. The importance of the fire element is explained in the verse below.

Geeta Chapter 15, verse 14

Aham vaishvaanaro bhootvaa praan’inaam dehamaashritaha

Praan’aapaanasamaayuktah pachaamyannam chaturvidham ..15-14..

In the body of every being, life force manifests in the form of fire called Vaishvaanara. It is responsible for the cycle of praan and apaan or the ascending and descending movements. Taking things inward and upward is a function of praan. Whereas apaan is the downward and outward movement responsible for all excretory processes. Food is digested and converted into all the seven essential body tissues with the help of fire in the form of hormones and enzymes. If praan and apaan cease to function, life also ceases, but it is fire that is responsible for their balanced functioning.

The verse goes on to say how there are four types of food – food that we chew, drink, lick and suck on – and all four are digested by Vaishwaanara. He, the supreme consciousness, is responsible for converting food into the required energy for every being. Since He is responsible for digesting all food, we should eat in accordance with our constitution that is acquired in alignment with Him in the first place.

Geeta Chapter 15, verse 15

Sarvasya chaaham hrudi sannivish’t’o

mattah smrutirdnyaanamapohanam cha

Vedaishcha sarvairahameva vedyo

vedaantakrudvedavideva chaaham ..15-15..

Thus, Shri Krishna who represents the cosmic energy, says further that, ‘I am in every particle or every existence as the nucleus; I reside in the heart of every human being, and every living being, as the spark. Functions like memory, knowledge and the power to remove dilemmas from decision-making are all my attributes. All that is to be perceived and known is the original source. Once we understand it, we will be able to follow natural laws in practice too. And in turn, by practicing, we can understand it even more. Thus, when we take a decision that is against nature, we are automatically acting against supreme consciousness too. Such action in karmic or natural law is known as pradnyaaparaadh.

Many techniques that lead us toward consciousness, such as meditation and contemplation, can help us understand That Cosmic Energy. Supreme Consciousness is That Cosmic Energy along with a Program.

Like all existence, our life is also a sum total of physical, mental and spiritual energies. If we only take care of the physical part with tonics, proteins, minerals, drugs but neglect the other two aspects, it will not work well. A holistic approach is what the Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta advocates and so does Ayruveda. Such a requirement of ‘santulan’ or balance is not limited only to human beings but applies to all living beings and extends to the entire existence of this planet and our universe. One cannot go against this praanic force or fire in the play of life. It has to be understood and implemented for good health and successful, joyful living.

This is not an esoteric concept. It is understood only through practice. It is the basis for our entire ancient culture that has been named after this truth – Bharat. Bha means ‘luminosity’ and ‘rata’ means ‘to have interest in’. To be part of Bharat means to be interested in the play of fire as light and learn about its source – The Supreme Consciousness.

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