Cardamom, ‘Queen of the Spices’ Can Help Coughs, Colds, Digestion and More!

Published Categorized as Herbs in Your Home

Southern India is well known for growing a number of spices. One of the important spices cultivated in Karnataka, Kerala and Tamilnadu is cardamom. This queen amongst spices is used extensively in Ayurvedic medicines and has a special place in many Shaahi or Royal Indian recipes. The specialty of Cardamom lies in the fact that unlike most other spices, cardamom enhances the taste of food without adding any ‘spicyness’. In fact, cardamom has a cooling effect!

Cardamom is available in the market in the form of it dried fruit. If stored in an airtight container, in a cool place. cardamom can retain its fragrance and potency for many months. Cardamom powder is also easily available these days but fresh cardamom, crushed with a mortar pestle at the last minute as required is the best way to experience its fragrance and effect at its maximum potency. Cardamom’s use can be in the form of the entire fruit or pod, or just the seeds, depending on the recipe.

Cardamom is fragrant, slightly pungent in taste, cooling in effect and subtle in property. It reduces Vata dosha as well as Kapha dosha, helps digestion and treats cough, asthma, piles and difficulties in urination.

Uses of cardamom as home remedy:

  •  In case of cold and cough, for a blocked nose and heavy head, crush 3-4 cardamoms along with the rind in the mortar. Tie up the crushed cardamom in a silk or pure cotton cloth to make a potli (a small bag) and use for inhalation. 
  • To prevent and remove a white coating on the tongue, odour in the mouth or reduced sensitivity of the taste buds, use a cardamom decoction. Crush 7-8 cardamoms and boil them in 2 cups of water until the water is reduced to half a cup (25%). Cool and use this decoction to gargle.  
  •  Eating frequently, without sufficient time for digestion, is one of the major reasons for uncomfortable burps of undigested food. Mix 1/4th teaspoon of freshly ground cardamom powder, a pinch of asafoetida powder and little rock salt with 2 teaspoon of lemon juice. Take this mixture bit by bit to relive the condition. 
  • Since cardamom reduces Kapha dosha, it is widely used to treat wet and dry coughs. In case of a cough with mucus mix half a teaspoon of cardamom powder and half a teaspoon of dry ginger powder with honey. Take it bit by bit over the entire day for relief. In case of a dry cough – crush a full cardamom and then roast it on a slow flame till it is nearly burnt half way. Mix with ghee and sugar and take this preparation twice a day. 
  • Hiccoughs are generally temporary and stop with a sip of water. In case hiccoughs continue for a long time they are troublesome and very tiring. Make an ash of cardamom. Take some full cardamoms and roast in an iron pot until they become black and powdered. Mix with honey and take a little at a time. 
  • Cardamom is also very effective to help ease urination. In case of unsatisfactory or burning urination, drink a decoction of cardamom with sugar and ghee for instant relief. To prepare the decoction, take 7-8 cardamom, boil them in 2 cups of water till the water reduces to half a. Cup. Filter the water and add 1 teaspoon of stone sugar powder and half teaspoon of homemade ghee. This can be repeated 2-3 times a day, if required. 
  • It is very common to experience a burning sensation in summer or after being exposed to fire for a long time or even during high fever. Drink coconut water with 1/4th teaspoon cardamom powder, quarter cup petha juice (ash gourd) or water boiled with Jalasantulana. 
  • In case of hard stool and piles, take half a teaspoon of cardamom powder with buttermilk after food. This helps relieve pain and also reduces the tendency of piles. 
  • To reduce the caffeine effect of coffee or tea, there is a custom to add little cardamom powder or at least its rind while preparing it. It also gives a wonderful aroma and adds to the refreshing effect of the beverage.

Indian sweet delicacies like kheer, sheera or barfis are incomplete without this spice queen. Apart from adding fragrance and flavour, using cardamom in sweet dishes or rice dishes helps not only to enhance the taste and palatability of the food but it also improves their digestion leading to better absorption of nutrients.

Cardamom is an essential spice in the Indian, and especially, the Ayurvedic kitchen. It brings health along with great flavours and fragrances to our table!

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