A Fruit that Helps Pacify All Doshas, Improves Bowel Movements and Protects the Eyes!

Published Categorized as Herbs in Your Home
Image by Aravindh Senthilvel on pixahive.com

Ayurveda says, ‘draaksha-phalottama’ i.e. grapes are the best among fruits. Black raisins, made by drying seed-containing black grapes, are perhaps the best form of grapes!

Grapes work like a rasayan or health tonic. While there are a variety of raisins – golden raisins or sultanas, green raisins and black raisins – among these, the black raisins have the greatest medicinal value. Black raisins, (also called munakka and kaali kishmish), are prepared by drying seed-containing black grapes.

From an Ayurvedic perspective, black raisins have madhur rasa or sweet taste, which is the king of tastes and offers both energy and vitality. They are easy to digest, cooling in veerya (action) and sweet in vipak (post digestive effect). Black raisins are tri-dosha-shaamaka i.e. they pacify and alleviate all the three doshas.

There is the custom to offer a combination of munakka and mishri (stone sugar) as prasad, as they are extremely nourishing.

For children who have difficult bowel movements and motions, black raisins are the best home remedy. Boil 6-7 black raisins in a cup of drinking water. Let it cool down. The child can then drink the water and also eat the boiled raisins to improve the motions. Munakka can help chronic fatigue, feverish feelings, and lack of haemoglobin. Black raisins have a number of health uses and it is very useful to have them in your kitchen at all times. Some black raisin remedies are given below. 

Home Remedies

  1. For headaches caused due to difficulties in passing motion, and hard motions. Take a handful of (10-12) black raisins, roast them in Ayruvedic ghee, add a little black salt. Chewing these raisins after dinner offers relief from constipation.
  2. Increase in pitta dosha may cause a number of symptoms like nausea, stomach pain, occasional vomiting and headaches. Soak 12 raisins in a glass of drinking water with a handful of popped rice (lahya) overnight. In the morning, crush and mix the raisins and lahya with your hands. Filter the water. Add 1 tsp stone sugar powder, ½ tsp honey and ½ tsp ghee to the water and drink. You can do this whenever these symptoms appear. 
  3. Black raisins are good for the eyes. People working in front of screens for long hours, have regular late nights or spend too much time near heat or fire, may suffer from red or burning eyes. Make a decoction of munakka. Take 7 to 10 raisins and boil them in 2 cups of water until the water is reduced to half a cup. Strain and drink. You will also get relief from these symptoms with padabhyanga therapy. 
  4. In case of fatigue due to excess physical exertion and extreme hunger, instead of eating junk food, take a handful of munakka followed by a glass of water. This offers satisfaction of the hunger and also gets rid of tiredness. 
  5. For those with low haemoglobin and iron, with symptoms of no or low energy along with burning in the body. Roast 5-6 black raisins in Ayurvedic ghee in an iron pot, add 1 teaspoon of stone sugar (pieces or powdered) and eat this mixture. This can be done regularly to improve this condition. 
  6. In a period of recovery from heavy illness, or when suffering from chronic a chronic illness that causes fatigue and exhaustion. Take the tonic (a medicinal jam) called Dhatrirasayan made from made form munakka, amla, ash gourd and other strengthening ingredients. 1 teaspoon of this tonic every day will offer the energy to aid in recovery. 

Black raisins are cooling, help to maintain clear bowels, protect the eyes and are extremely nourishing for all constitutions in all seasons. In terms of modern food fads they can certainly be a called a superfood. They are really delicious and can be eaten by everyone in the family. We recommend including black raisins in your kitchen and adding them to your family’s regular health routine!  


  1. Aanayog …..madhil recipe nahi disat. aaj.Manuke che upayog mahit navhate……aaj santulan mule mahiti zale.Dhanyavaad.

  2. डायबेटिस असणाऱ्या साठी चालेल का मनुका

    1. डॉक्टर म्हणाले – साखर 180 च्या खाली असल्यास दिवसाला 5-6 मनुका चालेल.

      टीम इको

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