As Nature warms up, check out these tips to stay cool and comfy!

Published Categorized as Heal Yourself

The warm footsteps of spring are entering our doorways now and a full blown Summer is not far behind. If we are not well prepared, we may end up inviting a host of health setbacks. At present the days are really warm in India, where as it is still cool in the early mornings and late evenings. Such a change in daily temperatures is not a very healthy atmosphere. Problems like headaches, skin rash, sunstroke, acidity and prickly heat are common. Many of these fall in the category of aamla-pitta illnesses in Ayurveda.

Young children, in particular, are susceptible to this increasing heat, with afternoon school as well as annual exams during the late spring month before the summer vacations. Long hours in school and not enough fluid intake can give rise to many problems like burning sensation in urine, skin rash or prickly heat. Recurrent bouts of cough and cold, indigestion, loss of appetite and sometimes even bleeding from the nose are among the complaints of school going children during these months. It is essential to take care of their health at this time.

In Ayurveda, the transition period from one season to the next is a time to be extra careful. Ayurveda prescribes careful changes in diet and lifestyle to tide over these periods. In this article we will focus on Ayurvedic guidelines to stay away from illness in the transition from spring to summer.

The most obvious change we can see is the rising temperature with an increase in heat from the Sun reaching the surface of the Earth. The heat begins to melt down the kapha that has accumulated over the winter in our bodies and, at the same time, the dryness accompanying the heat enables the build up (or the disturbance) of vata dosha.

The most important part of care in the summer is to hydrate yourself. Consuming adequate quantities of water and other fluids is a must. Ayurveda suggests adding fragrant and cooling herbs to the water while boiling it. This helps balance the water, gives it a nice fragrance and taste while also enhancing its health properties.

In summer, we have an impulse to gulp down fridge-cooled water. This is a strict no-no from a health point of view. Instead, boil the water properly to make it lighter and drink it once it has cooled down to room temperature. To cool drinking water naturally, one could store this water in porous earthen pots, wrap a wet cotton cloth around the pot and keep it in a place that has good air circulation. These techniques will give naturally cooled, sweet tasting water. From an Ayurvedic point of view, we suggest that one must not consume water that is at a temperature lower than 10°C. Especially avoid iced water which can lead to many health problems. Artificially flavoured and carbonated cold drinks and soda are also best avoided.

When Nature changes your environment, it also offers ways and means to deal with this change. So in Summer, we see Nature’s bounty of juicy fruits like grapes, oranges and pomegranates. Consume these in good quantities to balance your body’s needs at this time. Everyone from children to seniors can safely consume fruit juices. According to Ayurveda it is best to make a ‘mantha’ out of fruit, rather than extract only the juice. The mantha will contain the pulp along with the fibres with spices, honey and sugar added for maximum benefits. Carry a bottle of fruit mantha to office or school for a refreshing midday drink.

Coconut water, kokam sherbet, lemon sherbet are all health friendly drinks for summer. Those who are especially troubled by heat can try the following remedy. Soak half a teaspoon each of coriander seeds, cumin seeds and fennel seeds overnight in a glass of water. Mash the seeds by hand, filter and drink the water for a cooling effect. Herbal tea with lemongrass, liquorice, cinnamon is best for the season. As if like a boon, sugarcane grows abundantly in India during the summer. There are small kiosks selling the sweet sugarcane juice everywhere. You have to be cautious about hygiene and find a trustworthy seller. Spice up the sugarcane juice with grated ginger, black salt and squeeze a bit of lemon juice to make an Ayurveda prescribed super energy drink.

Our health is our greatest strength. Without this foundation, everything becomes difficult. Sometimes, simply following Nature’s way is not only easy but also delicious and full of fun. All we have to do is remain a little aware and accept the gifts that Nature has bestowed on us.

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