Mineral-rich, Dosha-balancing, Protein power! The all-in-one Red Pumpkin and Dal soup!

The red pumpkin, called Bhopla in India, is a truly wholesome offering of Mother Nature for us humans. It helps to balance all doshas, especially Pitta dosha, due to its cooling and lubricating nature. When cooked with dal in the recipe given below, its health benefits increase many folds. You…

Made-at-Home Chocolate Cookie Delights for Your Winter cravings!

Simple, easy to make, chocolatey and healthy cookies. These eggless cookies are sure to satisfy everyone’s chocolate cravings! An amazing combination of soft yet crispy cookies, using only whole wheat flour (no maida!) will add to your Christmas delights. Preparation time: 30 minutes Serves approximately: 30 cookies, each cookie is…

Remember the Message of Shri Krishna on Geeta Jayanti with Shreeguruji!

 On December 3, we celebrate the Jayanti of the Shrimad Bhagawad Geeta. According to the Indian lunisolar calendar, it is the month of Margasheersha, and the Ekadashi (11th tithi) of Shukla Paksha (the waxing phase) of the moon. This was the very tithi, as per ancient records, when the…

Know More About Ghee – Preferred Superfood of the Rishis and Yogis

Santulan Ghee or Ghruta is made in the traditional method. As per Ayurveda, ghee is known to build intelligence, memory, digestive fire, increase vitality and lifespan, provide strength and also maintains the health of your eyes. Key Benefits Ayurvedic ‘gold’ – nutrition, immunity and energy Aids in digestive health, stimulates…

With Increased Screen Time Comes Eye Strain – Here are Two Perfect Ayurvedic Solutions, One for Women, One for Men!

Kajal or Anjan, iis a cosmetic used all over the world, but in a traditional Ayurvedic form, it has many health benefits for the eyes. Improves the ‘shine’ in the eyes. Negates the harm done by smoke, dust and pollution. Relief from heat, burning sensations, excess watering and pain in…