Give Your Digestive System Some Daily Support With Annayog Tablets!

Published Categorized as Product of the Week

Santulan Annayog Tablet

Our unregulated lifestyle leads to much of our physical and even mental discomfort. This is no longer just a theory. The collective experience of everyone shows that this is how imbalance begins leading to a number of health issues. The first point of discord showing in the body is usually the digestive system.

The Santulan Annayog tablet brings together Shunthi (Sunth), Miri (Marich), Pimpali, Shuddha Hing, Chincha Kshar and several other digestive herbs that promote a better digestive tract. Annayog improves the digestive fire, digests aam, and enables proper absorption of food. While this is not a cure for chronic digestive ailments, a simple, everyday aid to the digestive system can go a long way in reducing the discomfort caused due to our chaotic lifestyles.

Indicated in cases of flatulence, indigestion, nausea, abdominal distensions and constipation. It is recommended for daily use for those who suffer from these problems or even when you have simply eaten heavy food. One tablet after meals will offer relief.


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