Shreeguru Dr. Balaji Tambe’s Amazing Autobiography – Available Now! ‘Santulan Yuge Yuge’

Published Categorized as Reading Shreeguruji

In his own words, Shreeguru Dr. Balaji Tambe describes the incredible and eventful life he has led. The reader gets a first person insight into the series of awe-inspiring incidents in his life that he faced with an ease and grace only afforded to the rarest of souls.

From the events that led to his predicted birth to the Darshan of Shri Dattatreya and Shri Krishna, Shreeguruji becomes both the foundation and the proof of the high potential offered to human beings by the Supreme. In this book, he unfolds his journey to simplify and bring to common people the insights and knowledge embedded into the sciences and practices of the ancient rishis – from starting his own Ayurveda manufacturing company on the one hand and writing a number of books, composing healing music and travelling the world to spread his message.

The remarkable encounters and events along the way, in India and abroad, and his unique approach to every new possibility, bring us face to face with a life full of parables. Shreeguruji imbues every page with a lesson, every chapter with a new dimension of ‘how to be’, just as he has lived his life through example. Even in the title, Santulan Yuge Yuge (loosely translated as Forever in Balance), he has taken the opportunity to tell the reader what in life is worth striving for.

Santulan Yuge Yuge describes the life of a realized one, the voyage of a representative of the Supreme, the passage of a Universal Master. Unputdownable!

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