Sleep Issues are Deep Issues – Brahmaleen Oil + Syrup

Published Categorized as Product of the Week

It is no secret that good sleep is one of the cornerstones of good health. Sometimes health issues can lead to disturbed sleep and sometimes, the inability to sleep properly can cause several health issues. So, which do we solve first? Any form of sleep disturbance should be taken seriously and referred to a competent Ayurveda doctor. Sometimes, one is unable to stop thinking about stressful things or has a lack of concentration. These are often related to lack of sleep. However, most people can derive relief and promote better sleeping patterns with a combination of these two Santulan products. Their benefits are mentioned below.


  1. Has a calming an soothing effect that promotes sleep
  2. Reduces mental strain
  3. Helps achieve deep sleep
  4. Indicated in insomnia and anxiety
  5. Reduces restlessness
    Application: Apply a few drops of Brahmaleen Oil on the scalp and gently massage the scalp for a minute. To be used just before going to bed.



  1. Activates and nourishes the brain
  2. Promotes peace of mind
  3. Indicated in memory loss, lack of concentration and forgetfulness
    Application: One teaspoon before sleeping or as indicated by the physician.

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