The Master is Always with Us, Here & Now

Published Categorized as Shreeguruji's Diaries

All of us, at some point in life, try to understand the purpose of life on this planet and our relationship with the world. Within oneself, the individual tries to know what he really wants. Externally, he tries to find a way by which he can get involved, and finally, dissolve himself into the universe. This realization of the oneness of the individual with the Divine, or with Nature, is the philosophy of life. The effort to understand oneself and merge into the universe, by offering selfless service, is what is known as ‘divine action’. This is the core principle of all world religions. Spirituality takes a step beyond. It helps us take a step up in the ladder of evolution.

In Indian spirituality, the Trinity of the three main forms of energy – creation, sustenance and transformation, is represented by Shri Dattatreya, the Universal Master with three faces or godheads. The word datta means ‘that which is given or offered’ and the Universal Master continuously offers His grace to all. These three principles – creation, sustenance and transformation – are a constant and inseparable in all the objects and living beings in the Universe, including human beings. The ultimate aim is to achieve a perfect balance between these energies. This is also known as Nirvana.

To take this path, one needs to realize the principle of the Master. Shri Dattatreya is the personified Universal Master, from the very beginning of creation, and all Masters are His representatives, helping to free us from our bondages.

The question arises, how can one connect with God or Master, when there is no possibility of his physical presence. The natural principle is that the more evolved the state of individual consciousness, the less the need for physical contact. The Master is the path to God.

God is the most subtle material and he cannot be experienced on the physical level. To communicate with Him, you have to tune into His frequency. There are many different levels of consciousness where God exists, but he is beyond the reach of the senses. Therefore, at the physical level, we feel the need to bring that non-material principle into a material manifestation – a statue or a picture. However, if you wish to communicate at a higher level, you need a mechanism to enable you to tune in. One of those mechanisms is to communicate with a picture of your Master. With some practice, it is even possible to get direct answers to your questions with this process. This offers the individual a chance to overcome the obstacles in the path towards oneness and bliss.

It is absolutely necessary, as human beings, to develop these techniques to tune into higher frequencies. To be able change the mechanism of the body and mind, regular meditation done with trust in the Master is a must. When we truly remember the presence of the Universal Master, who is in every cell of every human being, He manifests immediately, here and now, to help us get rid of all obstacles and achieve the final goal.


    1. I am was the exact feeling, of feeling masters presence, while facing the obstacle, which i am going through.As if he is talking for me,to me& through me.🙏🙏🙏🙏

  1. ECHO newsletter हिन्दी में उपलब्ध होगा तो अच्छा होगा?????

    1. प्रिय पाठक,
      इस पृष्ठ के ऊपरी दाएं कोने में ‘Select Language’ नामक एक बटन है। Echo को हिंदी, मराठी, गुजराती या जर्मन में पढ़ने के लिए कृपया इसे दबाएं। अनुवाद Google द्वारा किया जाता है। कृपया हमें यह भी बताएं कि क्या आपको Google द्वारा किया गया अनुवाद पसंद आया है, ताकि हम Echo को और बेहतर बना सकें।

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