The Rising Flag of Creativity, and Victory Over Inertia in Spring – Gudhi Padva

Published Categorized as Shreeguruji's Diaries

The march of evolution and ascending energies, are both, always to be honoured. Gudhi Padva is the spring point of evolution. It is celebrated as the day of creation. It is the beginning of the new year, when Brahma the Creator, began to create this universe. This day marks ‘the beginning of time’.

The New Year is celebrated at this point in time every year. Consider it the anniversary of the entire universe, where the Sun, Moon and the stars and bodies of the entire zodiac come together at a zero point. Many people use different systems of counting time and as a calendar for the year. The system at the Spring Point is the most natural. It is most in sync with the environmental creativity cycle. It was popularized by King Shalivahana. In the modern calendar year 2022-23 AD, the Shalivahana Shaka will be 1944. 

How a Gudhi is made and worshipped

The Indian traditional celebrations are deeply connected with the mystic workings of Nature and therefore the first day of New Year is celebrated by erecting the Gudhi (the spring flag of victory). As per tradition, the Gudhi is made on a tall bamboo stick, by tying a colorful silk cloth to its top end, along with a neem twig. Then, a beautiful metal pot is inverted and placed over the silk cloth to create a spire and the Gudhi is erected near a place of dwelling or work in such a way that it stands taller than the house. Garlands made out of colorful flowers, and sometimes, flowers made from sugar, are offered to the Gudhi. Finally, it is worshipped in the traditional way with a puja. 

Similarities with organic traditions all over the world

It is a worldwide practice that a tower, decorative pillar or flag be installed as a token of victory or as a mark of new creation. Gudhi Padva is the day when life force succeeded over inertia and resulted in a sprout (all kinds of new creation) to appear in this world. Spring is when this phenomenon can be observed in nature, when new leaves start to appear, new buds emerge and new flowers start to blossom. It is interesting to observe that the buds sprouting from the trees also resemble a Gudhi (also growing in an upward direction). 

It is the devotional attitude of Indian culture that all credit of achievements, success and victories are offered to nature or God, and that the Gudhi is erected to mark victory in the name of God. 

Reference in ancient stories

There are a number of examples in Indian stories of auspicious events occurring on Gudhi Padva. Having completed fourteen years in exile, Shri Ram, Shri Laxman and Shri Sita along with their supporters, returned to Ayodhya having achieved victory over evil. His coronation took place on Gudi Padva. Till today, this day is celebrated by erecting a Gudhi of victory and decorating the city. The second instance is when Indra, the King of Heaven, conquered Vasu, a demon, and marked his victory by erecting the Gudhi. 

The Purpose and Science

The Gudhi represents the process of the rising of Kundalini energy and the development of life force. The bamboo stick represents the vertebral column, the metal pot represents the head and the flying silk cloth is the beautiful body with the senses flowing all around. The visual feedback embedded in the Gudhi helps to inspire one to move towards higher goals and to awaken the dormant life force of Kundalini.

All branches of yoga, philosophies, and Ayurvedic living practices offer advice on methods of awakening this life force and transcending to a higher goal beyond. On the first day of the New Year, the act of erecting the Gudhi, reminds us of our goal in life. The traditional rituals on the day begin by taking a good massage with Abhyang oil and herbal powders followed by Yoga. The day is also marked by wearing new clothes, ornaments, shopping for new household goods, enjoying rich dishes for lunch and dinner etc. and the entire day is celebrated with meditation, music and dance. 

The Ayurveda inside

It is very interesting to note that on this day there is a tradition of eating a cleansing and vitality-giving chutney (paste), made of neem leaves with a little jaggery, tamarind, black pepper, asafetida, salt, ajwain and sugar. Neem, with its bitter taste, is well known as the essence of the nectar of immortality in our stories, this herbal recipe is intended to be an offering of health for the entire year. 

It is traditional practice to invite guests over for food on this day and to donate and distribute food and clothes to those in need, such that the whole year may bring fruitful results and help the evolutionary process of all.

Application in Life

Gudhi Padva reminds us that the brain (also symbolized by the inverted metal pot on top of the Gudhi) is the first and most important part of us. It must be protected and nurtured if we are to evolve in the best way, which is the goal of life. Mankind has discovered the best action to attain the mission or goal of life and that is the action of meditation. There are countless different ways to meditate that direct our praanic force upwards towards the centres in the brain. These methods help us to transcend intellect and logic and to arrive at a point where one experiences truth and energy and enjoys peace. SOM meditation has been devised based on the way described by Yogeshwar Shri Krishna, is perhaps the easiest and best of these methods. The celebration of Gudhi Padva with this awareness of self evolution can help us evolve our actions and life in this direction. The goal is to attain health, intuition, prosperity, the art of performing duties well while also feeling content and enjoying peace. Gudhi Padva can inspire us to walk on this path at the beginning of Nature’s cycle every year.


  1. अनेक धन्यवाद. असेच मार्गदर्शन मिळत राहो.

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