Vata Dosha acts up in the rainy season – Sandesh Asav and San Vata Lep can help!

Published Categorized as Product of the Week


Asavas are a really effective way to deal with several digestive, Pitta and Vata problems. Sandesh Asav helps balance Vata dosha and will ease pain and stiffness in the joints of the body. It reduces inflammation too.

Sandesh Asava includes medicines such as Dashamoolarishta and Maharasnadi Kashaya to offer a powerful effect.



For people who suffer from swelling of the joints in the rainy season or in cold weather, San Vata Lep can provide a lot of relief. It consists of herbs like Punarnava and Lodhra that are effective against swelling and pain. It is also useful in sprains, closed injuries leading to swelling, pain etc.

Application is easy. According to the size of the affected area mix San Vata Lep with warm water to form a thick paste., Apply the paste on the affected area, cover it with a bandage and leave it for some time. Wash off with warm water.


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