We pay our respects to Almuth Messerer-Jaworski

Published Categorized as Events to Note

The inner sound AUM is our true home.
– Shreeguru Balaji Tambe

A longstanding member of the SOM Global Family, Ms. Almuth Messerer-Jaworski, has left her body. With great sadness we bid her a speedy and blessed journey to her home in AUM.

Almuth Messerer was born on February 20, 1951 in Erlangen. Her educated family shaped her sense of style, her love of culture and her thirst for knowledge. She lost her father quite early in 1968. In the following six years she devoted herself intensively to language studies earning high degrees in London, Malaga in Spain and in Munich. She finally completed her training as a qualified translator and interpreter for English and Spanish in 1975. Until recently, she worked as a freelancer in her field.

At a carnival party in 1975, Dr. Stefan Jaworski came into her life. In 1978 they were joined in the sacred bond of marriage in Munich and Tutzing. And this is how we got to know them: One day Almuth and Stefan came to Shreeguru Balaji També’s music meditation program in Munich. A very elegant, tall and polite couple who, to everyone’s surprise, came back for more and quickly grew in everyone’s hearts. Almuth and Stefan soon established themselves as permanent members of the Munich meditation group and were valued by one and all. This was not only because of their excellent qualities as hosts but also for the respect and care they had for everyone, even in difficult times, which has always touched all of us. Almuth was always in a good mood, and giving up, no matter the difficulty she faced, was never an option for her. She has stood up for and supported many people through her life. In 1984 when she was confronted with a cancer diagnosis, she showed by example how to fight every adversity in life.

An important milestone in Almuth’s life was that she became a disciple of Shreeguru Balaji També in Hamburg in 1992. She was fascinated by Ayurveda and had deep faith in the Vedic scriptures and rituals, many of which she used to practice. Countless stays in India followed and here, too, she supported the cause with offerings translations to groups wherever she could.

From 2006 she devoted herself to a beloved property in Potsdam. This was a deeply absorbing project for her and involved a lot of travel, to her mother in Berlin and to Potsdam. In 2010 her mother passed away. A year later, Almuth’s cancer returned and she was forced to focus on her health again for the next few years.

In the lockdown phase in 2020, Almuth suffered a stroke. Stefan, who was retired by then, took care of her so that she could rehabilitate at home. From April this year, however, her condition had deteriorated such that she agreed to hospice care. On June 9th, 2022, in the words of her dear husband, “she bravely accepted the end of this earthly existence.”
Almuth will be remembered as a kind, inspiring and strong personality. We cherish her active role as a member of our association. We mourn her loss and wish her a return to the true Self with the grace of Shreeguru Dr. Balaji Tambe forever upon her. Our heartfelt condolences to Stefan and her family.

On behalf of the Atamasantulana Village and the SOM Global Family

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