Mystic Meanings of the Celebrations and Worship of Shree Ganesh!

The one thing that the entire world depends on is communication. Interactions can make and break relations whether at home or work and even disturb peace and treaties between nations. We, as individuals, are not alone in this world. We must all realize that beyond our blood relations, the entire…

Shreeguru Dr. Balaji Tambe’s Amazing Autobiography – Available Now! ‘Santulan Yuge Yuge’

In his own words, Shreeguru Dr. Balaji Tambe describes the incredible and eventful life he has led. The reader gets a first person insight into the series of awe-inspiring incidents in his life that he faced with an ease and grace only afforded to the rarest of souls. From the…

A simple tablet that results in glowing and clear skin – Secrets of Ayurveda!

Manjishtha is one of the best blood purifying herbs in Ayurvedic medicine. Manjishtha pacifies Pitta and Kapha doshas, improves skin complexion and reduces allergic tendencies. Indicated in pimples, freckles, discoloration, urticaria and menstrual disorders. Also known as Manjith or Indian madder, the Ayuredic herb Manjishta is one of the best…