Purify Your Respiratory Tract and Ventilate your Lungs with This Easy SKY Kriya!

Published Categorized as Santulan Kriya Yoga

SKY Bhastrika is a cleansing exhalation technique. SKY Bhastrika refreshes the mind, increases stamina, boosts immunity and rejuvenates both body and mind. It provides the benefits of Pranayam (disciplined breathing) combined with the cleansing of the respiratory tract and Nadi Shodhan (purification of the energy channels in the body).

Unless otherwise instructed, the mouth is closed and inhalation and exhalation is done through the nose. Each exhalation should be up to the point that inhalation takes place automatically, without effort. The wall of the stomach should move in and out like a bellow. While exhaling, one should imagine the whole body contracting.

In one cycle, one should be able to exhale forcefully between 10-15 times, during which some air is automatically inhaled, in between. With practice, this can be extended to up to 20 exhalations. SKY Bhastrika can be done in different positions to emphasize on different parts of the body and to ventilate different parts of the lungs.

Caution: those with serious heart ailments, hypertension or hernia should practice not more than 10 exhalations per cycle, and use less pressure.

Stand straight with the arms besides the body or sit in any relaxed position. Look straight ahead.
Make fists and keep them under the armpits. Be sure that the wrists are not bent and the elbows are pointing sideways, in alignment with the body and not bending backwards.

Take a deep breath in and exhale through the nose. Then inhale again and breathe forcefully out through the nose, without moving the face or shoulders. Only the lungs and stomach expand and contract. Practice for 10 – 15 times, then continue with normal breathing and release the position. You can do one or two more cycles of 10-15 breaths, depending on your capacity, but take care not to strain yourself.

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