A Meditative Journey Awaits You on Yoga Nidra -1 by Shreeguruji

Published Categorized as Healing Music Gems

Yoga Nidra is an age-old practice that brings a deeply restful state for the practitioner and is undoubtedly extremely good for health. This album on Yoga Nidra goes several steps further to enable the practitioner to achieve a meditative journey.

Yoga Nidra1 is designed to offer an inward journey to meet your own self. The first thing that hits you as you begin to hear this continuous 40 minute single-track album is Shreeguruji’s golden voice. Beginning with the Aumkar mantra, he invites you into a comforting experience. 

Following the mantra, Shreeguruji sings an invocation to the Spiritual Master, ‘Sadaguru Sharan Vina’, a relaxing devotional bhajan that tells us about the great benefits of surrendering to the Master. Shreeguruji’s healing music techniques also help the listener steady the breath, and with it, the mind. 

Once your mind has been prepared like this, Shreeguruji begins the instructions of the Yoga Nidra, guiding the listener step-by-step to relaxing and de-stressing every single part of the body from the top of the head to the tips of the toes. You are being prepared to go inwards, in an attempt to reach the Master principle within and realize that what you have been seeking is within you, or is in fact yourself. Shreeguruji carries th elistener into a visualization of a meeting of Masters…

He says “You don’t see any lights but still, it is bright… In this space are all the meditators and Masters… and the Supreme Consciousness in the form of the Masters… Your Master is also here… ”

The visualization continues to describe your body as illuminated, graceful and healthy, in a quiet state and completely energized, able to receive blessings, energy and light from the Master. At this peak of the visualization Shreeguruji sings another devotional bhajan describing the glorious meeting of disciple and master. A song of completeness and fruition where all sadness and obstacles have disappeared in the instant one meets the master. 

At the end of the meditation, Shreeguruji sings AUM, a fulfilling end to a wonderful inward travel experience. This can be your experience of yourself everyday with Yoga Nidra 1. 

Check out the link below for access to the entire track

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