Remember the Message of Shri Krishna on Geeta Jayanti with Shreeguruji!

 On December 3, we celebrate the Jayanti of the Shrimad Bhagawad Geeta. According to the Indian lunisolar calendar, it is the month of Margasheersha, and the Ekadashi (11th tithi) of Shukla Paksha (the waxing phase) of the moon. This was the very tithi, as per ancient records, when the…

Unlock the Secret Understandings of the Universal Being in This Book by Shreeguruji

The Purusha Suktam is one of the most important hymns of the Vedas. It talks of the Supreme Consciousness manifested as a Purusha, as our universe and its evolutionary functions. The concept of Yadnya, described in the hymn, applies to all creative phenomena, from the formation of galaxies to the…

Know More About Ghee – Preferred Superfood of the Rishis and Yogis

Santulan Ghee or Ghruta is made in the traditional method. As per Ayurveda, ghee is known to build intelligence, memory, digestive fire, increase vitality and lifespan, provide strength and also maintains the health of your eyes. Key Benefits Ayurvedic ‘gold’ – nutrition, immunity and energy Aids in digestive health, stimulates…

One Kriya That Does it All! Cosmic Prayer – Vishva Prarthana

This kriya brings all levels of body, mind and soul into equilibrium and is very beneficial for the entire nervous system. It improves the body’s flexibility, muscle tone and digestion, and promotes creativity. It also increases lung capacity, strengthens the heart and boosts the immune system. If practiced regularly, it…

An Eventful Few Weeks at Santulan – Rituals, Webinars and Other News

SOM Program – Seminar for the Employees of Sakal On Sunday 14 April the Atmasantulana Village team organised an online seminar of the SOM Program for nearly 200 employees of the Sakal group. The Seminar was conducted by Shri Sunil Tambe, with inputs from Shri Abhijit Pawar. The SOM Program,…

When Winter Strikes, Get the Crème Rose Advantage for Your Skin!

Seasons affect so much of our lives, affecting our digestion, offering different foods at different times, through heat and cold, wind and rain. Ayurveda offers guidance through all of this. In winter, your skin is affected very fast, but not if you dip into a little Santulan Crème Rose now…

Sparking the Inner Light, This Deepawali and Every Deepawali!

Very close to the hearts of millions of bharatiya people i.e. Indians, this festival of lights, at its core, signifies the inner spiritual triumph. There is a great conflict within each of us. Light has the quality of instantaneously dispelling all darkness everywhere, within and without. Narrations of the heroic…

Celebrate Heartily with the Right Deepawali Snacks Recommended by Ayurveda!

Deepavali is the most important and passionately celebrated Indian festival. Festivals in Indian culture are designed in such a unique way that they not only help us to enjoy but also protect and even improve health at physical, psychological, social as well as environmental levels. Deepavali is not an exception.…