Pfingsten Seminar in Gleichen Held Again after 2-Year Gap

Published Categorized as Events to Note

The members of the SOM Family in Europe were able to meet and hold the Pfingsten Santulan Veda Seminar this year after a gap of two years caused by the pandemic. From 3rd to 6th June, 45 members of the SOM Global Family in Europe came together at Aum Kurzentrum in Gleichen, Germany.

The Gleichen seminar of Pfingsten has a long tradition and at Aum Kurzentrum it offers a feeling of coming home for all the participants. Naturally, there was some apprehension about the first seminar with Shreeguruji not physically present, and being conducted after all the changes everyone has experienced these past two years. It was delightful the way the group energy took over. The practices and culture we all have learned all these years with Shreeguruji meant that there was a great spirit in the activities. There was as much joy and happiness as in all seminars with Shreeguruji in the past. It really felt as if he was present with everyone in his centre and with his energy radiating for the participants – a really miraculous experience.

The seminar consisted of video lectures of Shreeguruji, group meditation, kriya yoga and pranayama. A major highlight was the performance of a havan by Shri Sanjay Tambe under the guidance of our priests Shri Balkrishna Pujari and his son Anurag Pujari over video call from Pune. This was a beautiful ceremony with one mantra said for each participant, 45 in all, to spread peace, prosperity and good health in the group. The effect on all was clear to see in the positive and happy spirit of the group.

Annual seminars will continue in future in the tradition established by Shreeguruji with all he has given us to make life beautiful and helps others to find joy.

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