Schedule for Special Meditations for Indian and Non Indian Groups in May

Published Categorized as Events to Note

From this month onwards the Echo will publish the advance schedule of all important Special Meditations conducted at Atmasantulana Village, Karla, as well as their online information. Do join in to as many Special Meditations as you can!

Sunday, May 8th

Ganga Pujan (Ganga Jayanti). This day is special in the Vedic calendar because it is a day when Grace comes from Heaven.

The purpose of meditation is to remain in connection with the self more and more, be increasingly devotional and ever conscious. As per the guidance offered to us, as we increase our meditation, we can experience greater Cosmic Grace. Ganga Jayanti is a day when this energy is most readily available to all – a day of communicating with the energy that is Ganga.

Ganga is the river of grace that flows from heaven to earth. Anyone who feels a special desire for God’s grace is recommended to do the Special Meditation on this day.

Online Meditation from Karla, Monday, May 16, 4:00 p.m
IST (India Time) – 7.30 pm
CET (Germany Time) – 4 p.m
Dial in

In Person Session
Frankfurt, Sunday, May 8th. 4 p.m
Munich, Sunday, May 8th. 4 p.m
Please Note: The regular online meditation at 7 p.m. is cancelled

Monday, May 16th

Buddha Purnima. The Buddha’s most important teaching is that worldly things, such as power and possessions, alone do not guarantee happiness. In order to experience happiness and peace, you also need the connection to yourself and meditation. Important elements to achieve this happiness and one’s own peace as taught by the Buddha

1. Respect for nature and all living beings
2. Donating, giving, and sharing with others
3. Knowledge and experience at all levels

His path led to very advanced consciousness experiences and enlightenment.
Buddha Purnima is the birthday of the Buddha and a chance for all of us to connect with his teachings and the spiritual path.

Online Meditation from Karla, Monday, May 16, 4:00 p.m
IST (India Time) – 7.30 pm
CET (Germany Time) – 4 p.m
Dial in

In Person Session
Frankfurt – Monday, May 16, 4:00 p.m
Munich – N/A

Yoga Nidra on Buddha Purnima

It is recommended to practice Yoga Nidra at midnight on the night of the full moon (or before bedtime), especially on Budhha Purnima. The energy available at this time makes astral travel and an out of body experience easier. Yoga Nidra session timings on May 16 are as follows

Online Yoga Nidra from Karla, Monday, May 16
IST (India Time) – 11.00 pm
CET (Germany Time) – 7:30 p.m

In Person Yoga Nidra Session
Frankfurt – Monday, May 16, 7:30 p.m
Munich – N/A

Monday, May 30th

Saturn’s birthday. The Graha Dosha Chikitsa (Healing of Celestial Body Effects) is a volume of Ashtanga Ayurveda (eightfold Ayurveda) and deals with healing diseases and blockages based on invisible forces, cosmic, planetary and karmic energies. For spiritual development and moksha, the planet Saturn is one of the most important of all the nine planets.

However, Saturn offers success only after long, hard work and strict discipline. He punishes with harshness, loss and misery if the right path is not followed consistently. On the other hand, he also blesses us with self-restraint and focus to see through all matters and pave the way to freedom. Thus, for all meditators, the worship of Saturn is of great importance. On this day we meditate with our big spiritual family SOM Europe and SOM Global with an online meditation from Karla.

Online from Karla, Monday, May 30
IST (India Time) – 7.30 pm
CET (Germany Time) – 4.00 p.m

Dial in

In Person Session
Frankfurt – Monday May 30th. 4.00 p.m
Munich – Monday May 30th. 7.00 p.m

We hope you can join us for as many sessions as possible and continue to strengthen our group meditation nucleus together!

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