Siddhasana – A Sitting Position for Meditation and Automatic Pranayam!

Published Categorized as Santulan Kriya Yoga

Most people find it difficult to sit in the same position for a long time, but if this position is done daily with discipline, you will succeed in a short time and be able to sit for extended periods for meditation in Siddhasana.

In the beginning, one can sit on a pillow or folded blanket, so that the hips and knees are at ease. Gradually, the height of this support should be reduced, until sitting on the flat floor is possible. 

SiddhasanaThe ‘perfected pose’ in which it is easy to hold energy.
Siddhasana is a meditation pose in which one can keep the spine erect over a long duration. Keeping the spine upright is a necessity for meditation as it enables:

  • Pranayam to occur automatically.
  • The cycle of inhalation and exhalation to slow down and supports the rise of energy to the crown centre of the head.

More Benefits
In Siddhasana, Moola Bandha is activated. As a result, energy gets directed to the brain to achieve control over the sexual functions. This helps to transform sexual energy and control the senses. Siddhasana has a soothing effect on the entire nervous system.


  • Sit straight with the legs extended in front of the body.
  • Fold the left leg and place the sole of the foot flat against the right thigh. The heel automatically exerts pressure against the groin.
  • Now fold the right leg and place the right foot in the fold of the left leg.
  • Rest the hands on the knees in Dnyan Mudra. The tips of the thumb and index finger should touch each other. The palms may be facing either upwards or downwards. Close the eyes. Keep the spine erect without stiffening the shoulders. With regular practice, the knees should come down to the ground. Either leg can be the upper one. 

Siddhasana is an excellent sitting posture that enables the meditator or seeker to make progress in their practice!


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