The Secret Behind Bermuda or Durva grass for Shree Ganesh!

Published Categorized as Herbs in Your Home

All through the Ganesh festival, devotees can be seen making little bunches of blades of the Durva or Bermuda grass to offer to their beloved Lord Ganesh. Did you know that even the act of plucking and bunching this particular grass-herb is a therapy meant to improve our health and live more in tune with Nature?

Ardent devotees develop a deep connection with their Ishta or Chosen Deity. The deities are all controllers of aspects of energy and Nature. Each way in which we can approach that aspect of nature has been designed into the worship rituals of that deity. Each ritual has an actual, tangible benefit.

The ancient science says that Durva or Bermuda grass is favoured by Shree Ganesh. To win His favour, devotees offer it to Him. It is now known even through modern inquiry that walking barefoot on Durva grass is a natural way to de-stress and also deal with excess heat in the body, especially the eyes. In the age of increasing heat, increasing vibrations and waves around with wifi, 5G and now AI, Durva can be vital therapy for us. Innumerable bright screens, radiation and pollution increase the heat in us at both the physical and mental levels. Like the electronic computer, our brain computer also requires cooling to be able to function at its best, according to Ayurveda.

The Benefits
Many of us experience dryness, redness and itching in the eyes. Also, due to increased heat, general irritability increases. Durva is like a detox for the blood tissue and also keeps away negative energies. It also protects us from harmful micro-organisms.

How to Use Durva

  • Making Durva Juice – Take a handful of durva grass and wash them in running water. Cut them and grind them with a little water in the mixer grinder. Finally, squeeze through a cloth or hanky to get durva juice.
  • Nasal drops – 2 drops in each nostril helps to reduce overall heat in the brain and body.
  • Cooling Drink for Great Skin – Add a teaspoon of powdered candy sugar to the juice and drink for an instantly cooling effect. This remedy is also great in a range of skin ailments.
  • Pacifying Extreme Pitta – If one suffers from nausea and vomiting due to heat or increased pitta you can try the following. Soak 3 teaspoons of rice grain in half a cup of water for 4-5 hours. After that, filter the water and use this water to grind a handful of durva grass. Squeeze the grinded durva through a cloth and add a teaspoon of stone sugar and drink.
  • At Home – Just being in the vicinity of Durva grass is beneficial. Ayurveda endorses this grass as one of the many herbs that can be kept in the garden or the room of the pregnant woman as it radiates positive vibes good for the growing baby.

So those of you have your own garden, do make it a point to have Durva grass planted as your lawn. Even in small homes, and spaces on window sills, Durva can be plated. Have it handy in a pot to use in any of the ways given above.

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