The Simple 1-Minute Kriya that Boosts Immunity

Published Categorized as Santulan Kriya Yoga

Santulan Amrut Kriya or Cooling Nectar pacifies hyperacidity and hypertension and strengthens the immune system. In doing this, it can also increase lifespan.

Sit on the floor in any comfortable sitting position in which it is easy to keep your back straight, like Siddhasana, Sukhasana, Vajrasana or on the front edge of a stable chair.


  1. Shape the lips into an ‘O’ shape and push the tongue out of the lips. The tongue should get a tube-like shape
  2. Suck in air through this tongue-tube and inhale like this completely. 
  3. Withdraw the tongue, swallow the saliva, creating an audible gulping sound.
  4. Exhale through the nose normally.

Repeat from point 1 approx. 5 – 7 times.

This exercise should not be done immediately after eating. There should be a gap of at least 3 hours after a meal before you practise this breathing technique.

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