The Messages That Help To Make Things OK – Happy New Year!

Published Categorized as Shreeguruji's Diaries

Come New Year’s Day and the cell phone is flooded with ‘Happy New Year’ messages. What do we really expect while exchanging these good wishes? Is it true that simply sending wishes like this actually works? Does that depend on the energy of the person offering the wish

Let’s delve a bit deeper into the philosophy of good wishes. But before we understand the process, one thing is for sure. Every wish provides the reassurance to the receiver that he may spend the year ahead happily and his friends are ever ready to help him in times of need. The new year wish is a ‘cheer-up’ tonic. These friends help to create a mindset of positive energy. This goes a very long way in achieving good results in life.

Of course, experience tells us that in spite of all the wishes, people do end up in trouble. Problems arrive in many forms – inflation, calamities, sickness, bankruptcy, pandemics – the list is long. As if that wasn’t enough, terrorists and scamsters have their games to play.

One indisputable fact is that there is a stock of many good and bad energies in everybody’s karmic account. Some results, at any given point in each of our lives, are destined or fixed. Irrespective of the person’s behaviour at that time, they cannot be changed much, . Our hopes for a better life lie on those results that are still maturing, and the chances that we can identify our problems to make changes. This can improve our upcoming destinies.

E.g. take a person who has spent years of his life rashly. He has misbehaved with food choices, with bad attitudes and activities – personal, social, physical and emotional. Upon realization of his mistakes, he begins to change his habits. He adopts healthy practices, a helpful attitude and so on. Even so, certain problems, which have already taken root in his body due to past actions will surely manifest in time.

Many of us share these feelings, especially once we have made mature decisions to improve. We think, “I am behaving really well. I have switched over to being a strict veggie, insist on bio-food, practice regular yoga and I am disciplined about my morning walk. I have taken up meditation, am being positive, helping others – so how has this problem arisen now?” These problems are consequences that had already taken effect, over years, before you accepted better habits. A sickness like cancer, metabolic disorders, kidney problems, muscular dystrophies etc, where the true cause cannot be traced, confuse the person and his friends. In such cases, people become desperate and think that being good is of no use anyway.

Actually, this is the crucial period during which one has to understand and trust that good behavior will surely bring good results. It only needs some time till the seed is ripened properly and the tree of positive action is ready to offer fruits in your destiny. Avoid getting desperate and adopting the wrong habits out of frustration. Maintain your positive attitude and share good thoughts with everyone.  As far as possible, help people around you, participate actively in good projects, give donations and allow the mind to remain positive to face all consequences whether favourable or not. It will be okay.

Your messages help to make all these situations easier for everyone around you. These messages help all of us to develop an attitude of ‘it is okay’. You will be surprised to find that your suffering has reduced considerably when you receive them. Even if one has to go through a particular destiny, these good wishes and positive energies help. They make daily life happier and enable us to accept and fight the destined problem with renewed spirit.

Especially, if these wishes and blessings are from a person full of love in the heart, a meditator, a saintly person or one with a spiritual potential, they could even make miracles happen.


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