The members of the SOM Family in Europe were able to meet and hold the Pfingsten Santulan Veda Seminar this year after a gap of two years caused by the pandemic. From 3rd to 6th June, 45 members of the SOM Global Family in Europe came together at Aum Kurzentrum…
Author: Echo Team
Appreciate yourself and relieve shoulder stress too, with SKY Well Done!
This kriya is called Well Done or Shabas. It promotes opening up the body’s magnetism and deepens breathing. It relieves muscular energy blocks and satisfies the longing for appreciation, providing confidence. It should be practised a maximum of 7 times on each side. Stand erect with the feet together and…
We pay our respects to Almuth Messerer-Jaworski
The inner sound AUM is our true home. – Shreeguru Balaji Tambe A longstanding member of the SOM Global Family, Ms. Almuth Messerer-Jaworski, has left her body. With great sadness we bid her a speedy and blessed journey to her home in AUM. Almuth Messerer was born on February 20,…
Raise Your Morning Energy With This Devotional Song
( In this new section on Shreeguru Dr. Balaji Tambe’s Healing Music, we will share meanings of songs sung by Shreeguruji, lyrics of important stotras or introduce entire music albums designed for various healing purposes) SONG – “Uthi Uthi Shri Dattatreya” ALBUM – Shri Dattatreya Shreeguruji says, “Shri Dattatreya is…
July 2022 – Events and Meditations
In the calendar month of July 2022 we have two days with special meditations. Sunday July 10th, Aum Swarupa Foundation Day Shreeguru Dr. Balaji Tambe founded the association “Aum Swarupa” to make his meditation concept SOM (A.S.D.Y.) accessible to all people. Based on the 12th and 13th verses from the…
Vata Dosha acts up in the rainy season – Sandesh Asav and San Vata Lep can help!
SANDESH ASAV Asavas are a really effective way to deal with several digestive, Pitta and Vata problems. Sandesh Asav helps balance Vata dosha and will ease pain and stiffness in the joints of the body. It reduces inflammation too. Sandesh Asava includes medicines such as Dashamoolarishta and Maharasnadi Kashaya to…
Mother Earth’s Swaddle – A Cover To Protect Her Children…
In the age of cell phones and tablets, our knowledge about the surroundings on our planet is as much the knowledge Indian youngsters have about the staple food in our country – daal and rice. For example, what is the difference between the Maharastrian Varan, Gujarati Kadhi or Punjabi Dal…
Shreeguruji Explains Brain Food In This Popular YouTube Video!
What foods can nourish the brain? How do the stages of tissue-creation in the body work up until nutrition can reach the brain? What protections does the brain require? Which foods in your kitchen can help the brain? In his inimitable style, Shreeguru Dr. Balaji Tambe simplifies the subject…
Prepare Your Shields Against Common Monsoon Infections – Part 1
Everyone loves the first showers from above and the fun that follows, giving relief to the earth, plants, animals and people alike. Green destinations, mountains and valleys like Lonavala and Khandala are popular destinations during the monsoon months. The rainy season, however, can also bring difficulties like infections and pain.…
A Versatile Chutney In Just 30 Minutes!
Any traditional, sumptuous Indian meal is not complete without at least one spicy, tasty, appetising and tantalising mix – the Chutney. Usually, Indian chutneys are made with fresh herbs, spices, seeds and nuts. They not only stimulate the taste buds but also aid in digestion. A chutney adds zing and…