Learn About A2 Milk, and How to Make Homemade Ghee!

 It is always a delight to watch Shreeguru Dr. Balaji Tambe demonstrating his practical knowledge in his videos. They are simultaneously informative and inspiring. His explanations make things easy to understand and accept, which leads to real change in the audience. In this video, Shreeguruji explains what is good…

Christmas and New Year’s Eve in Karla and the Sylvester Seminar in Hamburg

The global winter holiday season is filled with fun, travel, wishes for the new year and a spiritual atmosphere all around. Here is a glimpse into how the global Santulan family celebrates this time of togetherness! Christmas Eve – Atmasantulana Village, Karla The annual Xmas Market was filled with food…

See What Shri Krishna has to Say About Obstacles to Taking Decisions in this Book by Shreeguruji!

Shreeguru Dr. Balaji Tambe has worked extensively on the Shreemad Bhagawad Geeta, producing an exhaustive commentary on Lord Shri Krishna’s message for mankind. Peacock Feathers is an ongoing series of 18 books on the Shrimad Bhagawad Geeta, one book for each chapter. In this issue of the Echo we highlight…

A Rasayan to Help Rebuild Your Dhatus (Tissues of the Body) – Dhatri Rasayan

An Ayurvedic rasayan with a cooling effect! Dhatri Rasayan rejuvenates all the seven dhatus (levels of tissue) in the body, especially Rakta Dhatu (blood) and Shukra (seminal fluid) Dhatus. A rasayan like this is always well-planned and designed to serve crucial nourishment needs in the body. A rasayan is easy…

How the Shrimad Bhagawad Geeta Guides Us Towards Holistic Health – Part 2

(A version of this article first appeared in DNA Aug 23, 2019) The Shrimad Bhagawad Geeta asks us to become One with Nature’s Law, or the principles of Shri Krishna or Supreme Consciousness. Ayurveda asks us to be in complete alignment with our Inner Fire and the Fire of the…

Strengthen the Bridge Between Mind and Soul with Anulom Vilom

This fundamental pranayam is also known as Nadi Shodhan or Nadi Shuddhi Pranayam. Its main characteristic features are the alternating use of the right and left nostrils and the retention of the breath in between. It cleans the respiratory passage, regulates natural alteration of the activities of the nostrils for…

A Retrospective of SOM, SAFE and Life In Balance Events Nov-Dec 2022

The Atmasantulana Village and various groups of disciples and devotees have been taking foundational strides to seed Shreeguru Dr. Balaji Tambe’s SOM Program and Life In Balance Movement in society. Here is a round up of all the efforts in this direction in the last few weeks. Life In Balance…

Read About the Experience of a Patient with Chronic Migraine Issues Since 15 Years…

(As explained and written by the patient about his experience) “I would like to express my sincere gratitude towards the entire team of Dr. Balaji Tambe at Atmasantulana village, Karla. Prior to undergoing Panchakarma treatment, I was suffering from multiple health issues. My daughter, Amruta underwent Panchakarma treatment during January…