Improve skin and reduce allergies with this healthy milk additive – Anant Kalpa

What if we told you that drinking a cup of deliciously flavored milk can help you manage allergies, acidity and also purify your blood! It’s not too good to be true with Anant Kalpa. This herb-coated sugar granule preparation makes for a great breakfast addition. It assists in the digestion…

Communicate with God and Master Beyond the Senses – A Message from Shreeguruji

Showing the light, and leading us from darkness to light is the role of the Master, the spiritual guru. Ignorance, which is the cause of darkness, is immediately dispelled by the dawn of knowledge. The other day, somebody asked me how they could feel the connection with God or the…

Cardamom, ‘Queen of the Spices’ Can Help Coughs, Colds, Digestion and More!

Southern India is well known for growing a number of spices. One of the important spices cultivated in Karnataka, Kerala and Tamilnadu is cardamom. This queen amongst spices is used extensively in Ayurvedic medicines and has a special place in many Shaahi or Royal Indian recipes. The specialty of Cardamom…

Remembering Shreeguruji Through Support to Educational Institutions!

Taking inspiration from Shreeguru Dr. Balaji Tambe’s constant effort to push for improvement in all fields in society as a whole, the Balaji Tambe Foundation has been devising ways to bring about advancements in educational institutions in local communities.   Computer Lab instituted for local Karla School – 20 January,…

Mr. Somany Relates How his Tachycardia was Relieved at Santulan

(As explained and written by the patient about his experience) Dear Santulan Friends, I would like to share my experience with all of you. I was struggling with tachycardia (abnormally high heart rate over 100 beats a minute without any physical exertion) since January 2022 after I contracted Covid-19. I…

A Meditative Journey Awaits You on Yoga Nidra -1 by Shreeguruji

Yoga Nidra is an age-old practice that brings a deeply restful state for the practitioner and is undoubtedly extremely good for health. This album on Yoga Nidra goes several steps further to enable the practitioner to achieve a meditative journey. Yoga Nidra1 is designed to offer an inward journey to…

Santulan’s Signature Oral Care Oil-Pulling Product – Hello Healthy Gums and Teeth!

Modern oral care brands have started realizing the immense value of Ayurveda in recent years. Oil-pulling products are trending nowadays. Luckily for Santulan users, traditional formulations, enhanced even further by Shreeguru Dr. Balaji Tambe’s proprietary methods, have been available for decades! Sumukh oil helps to cure and prevent infections of…

Immunity is an ‘Energy’ that Helps Us to Fulfil Our Purpose in Life!

Every person desires and aspires for good health. It is the foundation of our growth and evolution. At a daily and basic level, no one wishes to have aches and discomforts. We take our health for granted. However, the sooner we understand that we also need to ‘earn’ our health,…